Chocolate lab is being walked by a female outside on a brick path.

Opa Has Been Adopted!

Oct 18, 2023 Opa Has Been Adopted!We're ecstatic to report that Opa

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We're ecstatic to report that Opa has been adopted by her foster! She's now living her best life with a big family of pups, where Opa can relax in style on her very own bed. It warms our hearts that Opa is thriving in her new home and we couldn't be happier for her family!


If Opa could talk she would thank each and every one of you who donated to her surgery and recovery. She has a new lease on life and it looks like she is loving every second of it!




Opa's Surgery was a Success!

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Do you remember Opa, the puppy who arrived at The Animal Foundation with a fractured leg?


Thanks to all of YOU, we were able to schedule Opa’s specialty surgery to repair her fractured leg. When she went in for her initial surgery appointment, Opa’s blood tests revealed she had a little cold.


Opa recovered from her cold in a foster home where she got lots of sleep, treats (maybe a little too many), and playtime with her foster kitty siblings. She received her life-changing surgery last week, and is now in a foster home where she’ll receive her physical therapy!

Thank you to everyone who donated so this amazing puppy can live a happy and pain-free life. It has been our honor to get to know her, and we couldn’t have been able to save her without you.


We're Scheduling Opa's Surgery!



Thanks to YOUR incredible support and generosity, little Opa is on her way to getting the surgery she desperately needed to fix her fractured leg. Your donations have made a huge difference in her life, and we couldn't be more grateful for each dollar you pitched in.


Opa’s surgery is being scheduled at the specialty center right now, and after she has it, she will be off to a loving foster family for some R&R and TLC. She's got her puppy spirit intact, and she just can't wait to run, play, and be the bouncy little pup she was meant to be!


We can't express how much your kindness has touched our hearts. We have hundreds of grievously injured animals come through our doors every year, and when our community pulls together for the sake of an animal, it’s truly something special.


As soon as Opa is up and bouncing around, we'll make sure to update you on her progress. And let's not forget about the happy-ending part – once she's fully recovered, Opa will find her forever home with a loving family who'll cherish her as she deserves!


Your generosity has shown us there's a fantastic pack of animal lovers out there, ready to make a difference. We're truly honored. So give yourselves a pat on the back, high-five your pets (if you have any), and know that you've made a real impact on a sweet little puppy's life.


Opa Needs Your Help




In the scorching heat of a July afternoon in Las Vegas, a small, three-month-old puppy named Opa lay helplessly on the hot pavement. Lost and alone, her tiny body was trembling under the unforgiving sun. Exhausted and dehydrated, she struggled to move.


By some stroke of luck, Animal Protection Services found Opa and brought her to The Animal Foundation. It was evident that Opa had endured significant hardship, but her resilient spirit shone as she wagged her tail in gratitude, despite the excruciating pain she was in.


Upon examination, it was discovered that Opa's leg was fractured, likely from a traumatic injury before she was found. The severity of her condition means she can't stand, move around, or play like any other three-month-old puppy should. It is heartbreaking to see such a young and innocent creature endure such suffering.


Yet, despite her hardships, Opa remains the sweetest and happiest puppy. She doesn’t let her disability define her, and her infectious spirit touches the hearts of everyone who meets her. She greets every visitor with a wagging tail and gentle kisses, longing for a chance to live a happy life with a family who would cherish her.


Opa can’t be adopted until she receives the surgery she so desperately needs. Your donation to our CARE fund will help with Opa’s surgery cost at a specialty center, and provide her with physical therapy while she heals in a foster home.


Will you help us show Opa she has a community of people who care about her? Every donation counts when it comes to giving Opa a life where she can grow with a loving family.

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