Chocolate lab is being walked by a female outside on a brick path.

Daphne Found Her Forever Home!

May 24, 2021 Daphne Found Her Forever Home!You may remember, Daphne was


Daphne Found Her Forever Home! 

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You may remember, Daphne was found alone, lying outside a vacant building back in March. Our veterinary team discovered two bones were broken in each of Daphne's two front legs, and she had 5 broken toes. Her fractures were in different stages of healing, indicating that the injuries occurred at different times.


Daphne was adopted earlier this month, and her new family is so grateful.


She has adjusted so quickly and has easily become part of our family,” they said. “What a sweet, strong, and loving girl.”


We're so thankful that Daphne will only experience love from here on out! 


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Daphne Continues to Heal 

Cute photo alert! Daphne continues to heal in her foster home, and she looks adorable while doing it! 


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Daphne is Healing in Her Foster Home 

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Our sweet girl is resting and healing in her foster home. As soon as she got there, she wanted to cuddle and be on her foster mom’s lap. We hear she loves her new couch.


We’d like to extend our gratitude to Daphne’s foster mom, and each and every one of you who donated to her care. 


She’s got a long road ahead of her, but Daphne will only experience love from here on out.


Read more about Daphne's story and donate to her continued care below.



Help Daphne Heal Her Broken Legs and Toes. She's Counting On Us.

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11-month-old Daphne was found alone, lying outside a vacant building on Boulder Highway, behind a locked gate.


Neglected and abandoned - a neighbor heard her cries for help. He called Animal Control for assistance, knowing she was hurt and in pain. 


When officers arrived, they saw Daphne and noticed her front legs were injured. They cut the lock on the gate and brought her to The Animal Foundation for immediate medical attention.


Our veterinary team quickly treated her pain and performed x-rays to assess the severity of her injuries. Two bones are broken in each of Daphne's two front legs, and she has 5 broken toes. 


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Daphne sits like a baby kangaroo to keep pressure off her front toes. Her fractures are in different stages of healing indicating that the injuries occurred at different times. This suggests that poor Daphne may have been intentionally harmed more than once in her short life.


We may never know what happened to Daphne or why she was lying outside a vacant building, but we are so thankful that a good citizen spotted her and took action. 


We have reported her case to Animal Control for further investigation, but, with your help, we can ensure Daphne gets the medical care she needs to heal. 


At just 9 pounds, Daphne needs splints to stabilize her small broken toes, and she will be on strict crate rest to give her time to heal. 


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