Chocolate lab is being walked by a female outside on a brick path.


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The Alapaha Blue Blood or Otto is a breed of bulldog, which originated from the United States, and it is predominantly used as a guard dog. Alapaha Blue-blood is a well-developed, exaggerated bulldog, this muscular breed with large head and brachycephalic muzzle. Their hair coat is short and fairly stiff, typically colored white with black, blue, buff or brown patches, chocolate and its tail and ear are kept un-docked and never trimmed. They have an admirable glass eyes (blue) or marble eyes brown and blue mixed in a single eye. The well-muscled hips are narrowed to the chest. Has a long back as the dog is high at the shoulders. The dewclaws are never removed and their feet cat-like.
The Alpaha Blue-Blood Bulldog is actually not the best choice for an inexperience dog owner. The breed is a big lover, but he is also large, strong, intelligent, active and protective. An Alapaha Blue Blood bulldog needs a leader who can guide it with so much firmness and consistency, without using force.

Height and Weight

Height: 18 to24 inches (61 cm) at the shoulder
Puppies are about 8-4
Weight: Males weigh up to 100 Pounds (47kg)
Females about 78 pounds (34kg) there is a considerable difference between the males and the females. Males can be twice as heavy as the smallest females.

Living Condition

An Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog will do great in an apartment only when they are giving sufficient exercise. They are very inactive when they are indoors and not engaged, and will do well with at least an average sized yard.


Begin training as soon as you bring an Alapaha Blue Blood puppy home. It owner need to be an experience dog owner, very active, because this breed require regular exercise to keep them going.
Aim for one or two training sessions daily, and each training sessions should last between 10 to 20 minutes. Start simple tricks and use treats to motivate them, and before long, they will be well-behaved pooch.

Grooming Condition

Alapaha Blue Blood needs little grooming. Occasionally combing and brushing to remove dead hairs and cut down shedding. Bath once every two weeks. This breed is an average shedder. Their teeth need to be brushed daily to keep with their oral hygiene to prevent dental disease.
Keep an eye on their nails and trim them as needed. This is especially important when you are not taking them out for many walks as needed, which typically grinds their nails down naturally. If you don’t feel comfortable in doing them, you can take them to a groomer to have them done.


The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog came about from three generations of an old breeding program of papa Buck Lane of Rebecca, Georgia, USA. The program started back in the 1800s and was intended to rescue a ‘plantation dog’ of Southern Georgia, which was nearly extinct. This bulldog type guard dogs descends from Buck lanes dog name Otto.

These breed probably descended from the various types and crosses of Bulldogs brought by early settlers to the country. Those dogs were taller and more athletic than the Bulldog we know today.
In 1979, a group of southern dog lovers set out to preserve the rapidly disappearing dogs. They gave them a name Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog and founded the association, as will wrote a breed sheet.

Temperament and personality

The standard of this breed says that Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog are dutiful, possessive, attentive, and protective of their owner, their territory , their property form a young age. A very devoted and loyal family animal that needs attention.
They are highly intelligent and sensitive of their environments, active towards anything or person that is suspicious, they make an excellent watch dog. The Alapaha is best suited to a working home with an experienced dog owner.
Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog are good with children, this athletic dog is an active and sturdy playmate. He loves company, especially when raised with them. He easily get along with cats, and other pets when he is raised with them, but likely to be very aggressive to pets he doesn’t know, or acquaint with.
Whenever you want an Alapaha, look for one whose parents have nice personalities and who has been well socialized from early puppyhood.

Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Health Care

All dogs have a potential to develop genetic health problems. Just like every human that are prone to family or genetic health diseases. If you are not careful about the breeder you purchase from, they can be prone to several health conditions. Be selective when finding a breeder, and look for a history of any of the following conditions in the parent.
• Skin allergies
• Deafness
• Hip dysplasia
• Entropion and other eye problems


They can vary in appearance quite a bit. While many dog breeds have very strict standards, there’s a little more variance with the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog. They range a bit more in sizes and personality, and these variances are part of the reason why the AKC still has not formally recognized the breed.
When with little knowledge on the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs, you can better understand how these amazing pups walk the line between working dogs and companions, making them compatible and irresistible to so many people.

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