Chocolate lab is being walked by a female outside on a brick path.

Minnie Adopted By Vet Tech Who Helped Her Heal

Feb 25, 2021 Minnie Adopted by Vet Tech Who Helped Her HealFrom the mome



From the moment Sarah met Minnie, the veterinary technician couldn’t stop thinking about the small vulnerable pup who weighed just 4.8 pounds.


Just before Christmas, Minnie arrived at The Animal Foundation, scared and in pain, with two broken legs. Our veterinary services team treated her pain, performed x-rays to assess the severity of her injuries, and stabilized her small broken legs with two casts.


Minnie needed emergency surgery, so we transported her to the veterinary specialty center where Sarah works. After the surgery, Sarah cared for Minnie during her recovery at the hospital.


Sarah said she fell in love with Minnie’s long legs and big personality. (She may be itty bitty, but she’s got a knack for stealing the spotlight!)


Sarah recently made it official and ADOPTED Minnie!


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Today, Minnie is thriving in her forever home. She spends her days pampered, and often sleeps curled up in a little ball. Also, she’s not afraid to let you know when she’s tired of getting her photo taken (her side eye game is strong!)


We’d like to extend our gratitude to Minnie’s rock star foster mom, Amber, and each and every one of you who donated to Minnie’s care. 155 donors came together to give her a second chance.


Every life we save begins with you. Minnie is a perfect example of your donations in action. Your contributions helped Minnie get the surgery she needed to heal her broken legs and helped turn a tragic situation into a heartwarming story of healing and love.


We established our CARE Fund for animals who need special care in extreme circumstances. 100% of all donations go directly to medical care for animals like Minnie who desperately need us. You can become a CAREgiver by donating below.



Latest Update on Minnie! 

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We’ve got a supermodel, folks! 


Minnie had her splints removed at Las Vegas Veterinary Specialty Center, and she’s back home with her foster mom.


This sweet little girl needs another four weeks of rest and recovery. We're thrilled to tell you that Minnie is healing wonderfully. 


Minnie's foster mom wants you to know she’s so grateful for all of her supporters cheering her on!


Minnie Recovering in Foster Home 

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Minnie was in need of emergency surgery to fix her two broken front legs. She has now been moved into a loving foster home where her new foster mom can give her all the love, attention and care she needs to help her heal.


Minnie loves lying in the sun in her lounge chair. She also loves car rides and will take a little snooze in the car on the way to her weekly check-up appointments. Her foster mom is giving Minnie all the love she deserves and spoiling her with treats and sweaters – when she can find them small enough!


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Though Minnie is doing well, she still has a long road ahead of her for a full recovery. She requires weekly vet visits for check-ups and will need physical therapy after her casts are removed.



If you would like to donate to Minnie’s continued care, you can do so below.


Update on Minnie! 

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GOOD NEWS! Minnie’s surgery today at Las Vegas Veterinary Specialty Center was a success, and she is now resting in the hospital before she’s ready to go home with a wonderful foster family.


Minnie was in need of emergency surgery to fix her two broken front legs. The cost of the surgery was high and the expenses won’t end there. She will need additional follow-up care until she’s completely healed.


With your continued help we can turn things around for Minnie and get her back to a happy, healthy life.


We couldn’t do it without the generous donations and support of people like you. From all of us at The Animal Foundation, we truly thank you.


If you would like to donate to Minnie’s continued care, you can do so below. And once again, we truly appreciate you and your support of Minnie.



Minnie Needs Emergency Surgery to Fix Her Broken Legs. Can You Help Heal Her?



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Last night, tiny chihuahua Minnie came to us scared and in pain with two broken front legs. At just 4.8 pounds, terrified and alone, Minnie needed our help desperately.


Our Vet Services team quickly jumped into action, treating her pain immediately, performing x-rays to assess the severity of her injuries and stabilizing her small broken legs with two casts. Though confused about why she was going through this horrible experience, Minnie seemed to know we were here to help her and was gentle and friendly with our team members.


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Both of the bones are broken in each of Minnie’s two front legs. Her leg fractures are so severe that she needs to go to a specialist tomorrow for surgery. Her tiny legs will need to be repaired using plates and screws. After the surgery, Minnie will go to a foster home to rest and recover.


Here at The Animal Foundation, we take in every animal who comes to us in need, no matter how sick or injured. We are committed to providing the urgent care that Minnie needs to heal. But the cost of surgery is high, and the expenses won’t end there.


We don’t have all the details of this tragic incident, but we do know that Minnie deserves the medical care needed for her to survive and heal from this horrible injury.


Can you help us provide the emergency care that Minnie needs so she can recover and lead a happy and healthy life?

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