Chocolate lab is being walked by a female outside on a brick path.

You Helped Give Dozens of Cats a Second Chance

Feb 3, 2021 You Helped Give Dozens of Cats a Second ChanceFive weeks ago

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Five weeks ago, more than 70 cats from one home came to us in immediate need of help. Nearly all of them were sick. Most were afraid and unsure of the situation they found themselves in. Because they came from a home with far too many animals, the world was a little bit overwhelming.


But thanks to your love and support, they received the medical care, food, shelter, and love they deserve.


There was no one size fits all treatment approach. But your donations allowed us to provide very specialized care for each cat's individual needs. One cat needed several days of hospitalization. Another had specialized surgery to remove a mass in her throat. Several of the cats had dental procedures.


Most of the cats came to us sick and congested - requiring around the clock care, nebulization, and antibiotics. Some cats improved quickly and have already been adopted, while others need more time to adjust to their new lives.


For those cats that needed extra attention, our team transformed a quiet area of the shelter specifically for them. This unique space was close to our medical team, so they could provide treatments as needed and monitor their progress. They had natural light, hiding spaces, and plenty of legroom. Each day, they learned how to do “normal” cat things – like play with toys. Most importantly, they experienced love while they were in our care. Most recently, a group of cats have been transferred to one of our partners for even more specialized care.


We want to send a big thank you to the hundreds of you who came together to give second chances to these cats. We couldn’t have done it without you.





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In the past 48 hours, nearly 40 sick cats arrived at our shelter, and more are on the way.


Most need medical care before they are healthy and ready for their forever homes.


Our team is working through the weekend to make individual medical treatment plans for each and every cat.


We want to give a massive thank you to everyone who has already donated. Many of the cats still have a long way to go, but because of your generosity, we are able to care for each and every one.


Some cats who need extra time to gain weight and recover may go to foster homes. You can fill out a foster application HERE.


You can read more about the cats and donate below. 



Nearly 50 Sick Cats Need Your Help



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We just took in 32 neglected and terrified cats. Around 20 more are on their way.


Their fur is filthy and matted. Most of them are sick — congested and struggling to breathe. Many are underweight.


All of them came to us from a home where there were far too many animals. Most of them have severe dental disease which will require extensive treatment.


When they arrived at the shelter, our veterinary team quickly jumped into action to examine the cats, screen them for infectious diseases and provide them with the treatments and medications they so desperately need.


Here at The Animal Foundation, no animal in need is turned away. As an open-admission shelter, we take in every animal no matter how sick or injured.


This means that, even with the cats already in our care, we made room in our shelter for about 50 more.


These cats are scared and confused about the situation they find themselves in – a strange place, filled with strange people. Everything they’ve ever known is gone.


Nearly all of the cats are frightened, nervous and in poor condition. But, we are committed to providing the care they need to heal before they are spayed and neutered and we can find them their forever homes.


Can you help us provide the care they need so they can lead happy and healthy lives with new loving families?

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