Chocolate lab is being walked by a female outside on a brick path.

Happy Tails: Cane & Oreo

Jul 17, 2023 Sometimes when you adopt one pet the universe sends you a sign you&


Sometimes when you adopt one pet the universe sends you a sign you’re not done yet.



Valentina and Michael knew they wanted to adopt a dog for years. When they saw Cane at The Animal Foundation, they immediately fell in love. They adopted him that day, but while going over Cane’s history, they learned that he came in with a sister named Oreo.


Jump to a week later, and they were back, adopting Oreo. Once they reunited those fur siblings their family was complete!




“I was told Cane was the crazy one but he has been the most perfect Angel,” Valentina says. “(He has never) done anything wrong and absolutely loves to cuddle. Oreo is the perfect mix of crazy energetic & snuggly you'll ever meet. They are great together & make our life so happy.”


As you can see, Cane and Oreo are some of the happiest pups you’re likely to come across!


Did you adopt your pet from The Animal Foundation and have a happy tail of your own to share? We would love to hear it! Please click on "Happy Tails" under the "Adopt a Pet" tab on our website!







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