Chocolate lab is being walked by a female outside on a brick path.

Nearly one year later: kitten rescued from dumpster fire continues to thrive!

May 3, 2023 5/3/23: Nearly one year later: Savannah is thriving

More than 10 months after being rescued from a dumpster fire, we stopped in to check and see how Savnnah was doing in her forever home. Watch the video, and see just how resilient this cat is – and how our dedicated team of staff and fosters made all the difference for Savannah.


Thanks to Storyville RD for capturing her amazing story.


6/28/22: Savannah Has Been Adopted! 

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We're thrilled to report that Savannah has been adopted! 


You may remember Savannah was rescued from a dumpster fire back in May. She had third degree burns on the tips of her ears and the tip of her tail. Her paw pads were also badly burned. 


Thanks to your generous donations, Savannah received the lifesaving treatment she needed to heal. Thank you, as always, for helping us save animals like Savannah who need specialized medical care. And an extra special thanks to Savannah's foster for giving her all the love and support she needed. 


Savannah's adopter helped care for her at a local veterinary hospital where she received treatment. He says Savannah is doing great. She's feisty, adventurous, and playful. We look forward to seeing her grow up.


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5/26: Savannah is Healing

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Our little Savannah, who was rescued from a dumpster fire on May 3, is healing wonderfully. She's a very playful and feisty kitten who adores attention. 


6-week-old Savannah arrived at The Animal Foundation three weeks ago. She's being fostered by a local veterinarian who brings her to work every day. Savannah had third degree burns on the tips of her ears and the tip of her tail. Her paw pads were also badly burned.


She's a lot bigger now, and some of her fur has grown back! Savannah will look a little different because she will be sporting some scars on her slightly misshapen ears, but she is expected to live a happy, normal life. We are so happy she is going to be okay. 


5/17: Update on Savannah

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Our little Savannah continues to heal after being rescued from a dumpster fire. She's being fostered by a local veterinarian who brings her to work every day. The entire practice is in love with her! But it turns out, Savannah's injuries are worse than originally thought. 


Savannah has second and third degree burns on her face, legs and tail. The skin died in those areas and is being replaced by scar tissue. Her foster is working hard to keep her comfortable and free of infection while that happens. 


Because Savannah is so tiny, she doesn't have a fully functioning immune system, so it's her tenacity that will determine her fate. As long as Savannah is eating, there is hope. And she's a fighter. 


Savannah is being bottle fed every four hours and her injuries are being tended to multiple times a day. She is SO loved. 


The Animal Foundation is an open service shelter. We see a lot of hard cases and abuse situations. Your support helps us care for animals with specialized medical cases, just like Savannah. 


You can read about Savannah's journey and donate to her care below.


Update on Savannah, Kitten Rescued From Dumpster Fire

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Our sweet Savannah is a fighter. 


Savannah has been healing in a foster home since she was rescued from a dumpster fire last week and rushed to The Animal Foundation. 


Her injuries are deeper than we originally thought. She has fur loss and burns. Her skin is starting to shed on her paws, face and tail. 


Burn wounds can become infected, and she's even more susceptible because she's so young. She's receiving round-the-clock care and being carefully treated. 


The good news is Savannah is eating and growing. Her foster mom says she has a great appetite, and her weight is good.


Thank you to everyone who donated to Savannah's care and for cheering her on! You can read more about Savannah and donate to her care by scrolling below. 



4-Week-Old Kitten Healing After Surviving Dumpster Fire

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Our sweet Savannah, who was rescued from a dumpster fire yesterday, is getting comfortable and healing in her foster home. She's enjoying wet food and spending time with her foster mom. 


This tiny girl needs several weeks of rest and recovery. We're so grateful for everyone who donated to Savannah's care and are cheering her on.


If you would like to donate to Savannah's care, you can do so at the form below.



Kitten Rescued From Dumpster Fire


We just received a kitten who was rescued from a dumpster fire. We don’t know much more, but she’s being cared for by our wonderful veterinary team and the folks in our kitten nursery. We have named her Savannah. At just 4 weeks old, her fur and whiskers are singed. Her paws are burned, and she may need foot bandages. She is on medication to help with pain, and she’s in our incubator to warm her up. She will be going to a foster home to heal.

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